Saturday, April 26, 2014

It's a small world after all....

Even as we begin the process of winding down our stay here at the LBJNHP we are continuing to experience the joys of being involved in full-time volunteering.

Continuing to make new friends is one of the best parts of the job.  Last week while working at "The Boyhood Home" and, as usual, talking to another couple, who are also fulltimers (those of us that live in an RV and do not own a sticks and bricks house), Bill passed along one of our business cards and the wife was drawn to our blog.  A few days later she sent me an e-mail and told me that, upon reading my blog she had discovered I was a graduate of Maine East High School (Park Ridge, IL).  She then proceeds to share that she is also a graduate of Maine East (albeit a few years earlier than me)!  What a neat experience!  It is this sort of thing that really enhances our chosen lifestyle!

During the week we went on another field trip to the LBJ Library.  BTW it is the most visited Presidential Library.  For good reason I think.  We saw a fabulous exhibit "60 from the 60's", highlighting 60 "people" who made a difference.  
This is one of the cutest things we saw:  

The hat collection was also very interesting.  

And I wonder if Lady Bird ever wore this gift?

And in the DRAMA department:  last weekend we were beginning the process of organizing in preparation to hit the road "home" on April 30th (see the link to our route here)  (,-93.2074205,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1szkgqmHtPEm-U.k9V1fmQtVWJo). 

While working in the "garage" at the front of the trailer we heard some chirping coming from the inside of the hitch.  An investigation revealed a nest of 5 baby North Carolina Wrens. 
We stepped away from the area and I went in to the RV.  There, I was shocked to find a VERY frightened Momma Wren.  I called Bill in and together we were able to steer her outside with the use of a blanket.  Still, she clung to the blanket, breathing quite heavily.  We left her alone and she soon flew away. When then we did not see her all day.  Every time we went anywhere near the babies they cried so pitifully, we became quite concerned.

 FINALLY, in the early evening, Momma returned, much to our heartfelt relief.  We figured the babies were about 2 days old at that time, so I turned to the internet to allay our concerns about having to leave on April 30th.  Sure enough, the North Carolina Wren leaves the nest in 12 to 14 days.  RELIEF!!!!   The kids should be on their own by the time we have to hook-up.  As of today's post the babies have grown by leaps and bounds, their little eyes blinking as we peer carefully in at them with the light.    

Conclusion:  Friday night we were dining with our fellow volunteers and Marilyn wanted to see the babies.  I was sure they would be there as Bill had been on the patio all day, working on a painting and watching the comings and goings of both Mom and Dad.  Imagine my surprise to peer into the hitch and find the nest EMPTY!  HOOOORRAAAYYYY, we will not have to worry about them come Wednesday when we pull out!

People all across the country are very different from each other state by state.  We find the local Texas vernacular quite interesting.  For example:

Blanco...we would pronounce it "Blaaaaaannnko", yet the Texans say "Blank O"

Elgin...we would say "L jin", yet the Texans say "L G(short) in".

San Antonio is in BEXAR "Bear" County, yet we would say "Bex are" County.

Pecan?  We would say "Pee can", the locals (for the most part) say "pee cahn".  I use this word in a story I tell in the kitchen of the Texas White House.  Last week a lady called me out on it, laughing and saying "you're not from here are you?"

River?  We say "riv er", the locals say "riv ahhh".

The town of Boerne?  We would say "Born" the locals say "Bernie".

And the best one of all:  the Texas White House sits on the banks of the Pedernales River.  Looking at the word you would naturally say "Ped er nal es" but NOOOOOO, it's "Per da nal less".  Prounce that one wrong and you'll really get jumped on:-)

On our way "home" we are considering seeing these sites (time permitting):

Route 66 Vintage Iron - Welcome to the Route 66 Vintage Iron Online Gift Shop and store

4 more "Back 40" nights till we hit the road:

Thank you for keeping in touch>  Leave a note and let me know if you find this interesting.  If you don't, tell me that too:-)

"In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth"

Friday, April 18, 2014

Thinking about winding it down......

With two weeks to go before heading back to N. Illinois, it's time to begin the process of clearing clutter, cleaning up, re-organizing, finishing up food stocks etc.  Yet, with all that going on, we are both fighting off the "Cedar Fever" AKA "the allergies from hell".  I missed 3 days of work and finally ended up at the hospital with a high fever.  Bill came down with it just as I was on the upswing.  We have settled into a "learning to live with it" mentality. Still, Texas will go down as the state which caused us to be sick more time than any state we have visited.  We would have to think seriously about coming back here:-(

Despite that, we are continuing to have fun and making the most of Texas right up to the end:

 At Albert's on Wednesday night again:  Suzy, Jim, Larry, Mary, Marilyn and Diane.
 Kathy expresses her opinion....
Diane (between Suzy and Bill) is leaving for Alaska...gonna miss her!
                                                                                      The band we love....
Hanging out with Kurt (our next door neighbor)

Second trip to LBJ Library...this one was the "behind the scenes tour".  We saw amazing things in  the archives including:  The bombing schedule and map of the "Rolling Thunder" campaign in Vietnam, The original "Lorax" sketches by Dr. Suess, both LBJ and Lady Bird portraits on velvet (LOL) and costume gifts from all over the world, just to name a few.

I also need to mention a temporary exhibit that is currently on display:  60 from the 60's.  FABULOUS!

And in a totally unrelated category:  Virg's house comes down.....
87 Linden Road, Lake Zurich, IL
This will mean nothing to most of you reading this, but it is a significant event in our lives, related to the passing of another final vestige of the past we have left behind.


Virg was our old next door neighbor whom we loved dearly.  She passed away quietly in her little home at the age of 94.  After her passing the house was occupied by renters and when the house was condemmed, it sat empty for many years.  Some saw it as an eyesore, but we saw it as a buffer between our little 1950's ranch and the current movement toward everything having to be bigger and better.  I still don't understand 4000 square foot houses with families of 3 or 4 living in them.

Excited to be going home:  2 weeks from yesterday:-)

Monday, April 7, 2014


One of the worst things ( if not THE worst thing about being a full-time traveling volunteer for our National Parks system is the missing of family.  One of the BEST things is the ability to see family and friends that we have not been able to see or spend time with for ages.  Yes, the job is NOT all work and NO play, and along with learning new things and meeting new friends comes a great offsetting joy.  Here are a few additional examples of our time off activities:
Dinner at The Scenic Loop Cafe with Tim and Jane (Bill's sister) who have lived in San Antonio for over 20 years.  Wonderful restaurant!

Hanging out with Hank and Louise
(our friends and fellow volunteers)
who decided to venture further west than they have ever been, to spend some time and space with us.

Jane receives Educator of the year award while Bill and I and her son Ben with his chillins watch on. It was such a special night!
Spring break found us traveling to Rockport, Texas to visit Tim and Janes' favorite spot.


So very close to Padre, which, by the way, is a Seashore dedicated by LBJ.
Lady Bird gives dedication to Padre Island April 8, 1968

Old Great Grey Heron
The opportunities to photograph the wildlife were everywhere!
 I was in Heaven
Young Great Grey Heron

        And Molly was able to have one last romp on the beach.

The LBJ V.I.P.'s decide to have a weekly "potluck"
                                   Bill, Ron and Louise
Larry and Mary cozy up
Hank and Larry

The boys just hangin
                                          Jeanne and Marilyn
A good time EVERY time.

One of my/our fav things to do...explore the local residents:

                                                          Prairie Falcon

Trip to the Alamo
Hank and Louise
Hank getting into it

            And sometimes it is a combination of work AND play:
         The mornings assignment: 
Explore the Sauer Beckmann Living History Farm
at the LBJ State Park.
                                            New Friend        
A fascinating place

A trip to the LBJ Library in Austin with co-workers:
                                                                Mike Ryan (Boss)
                                                                Dave Schaffer (Boss)
                                                                   Debbie Vickers
                                                                        Jack Burton
                                                                   Derek Hanson
                                                                       Chris Martinez
                                                                       Diane and Bill
                                          Mike and Niki Ryan chillin together
And, as usual, we had fun!  Going back next week for a 
"behind the scenes tour"!

The Boyhood Home Visitor Center
            The Boyhood Home..
where we spend our regular days

LBJ age 5

On a beautiful day when there 
is no tour, You'll find me here!

Being greeted by morning visitors

Other days we're at The Texas White House (no inside pix)

Nature is fascinating

And to show y'all how much we have grown:

Bill throwing a worn pair of jeans out!

As you can see, the business of being a full time volunteer is both rewarding and gratifying.  We have received benefits which often come as total surprises, whose value is immeasurable .  

Three weeks(April 30) until we return to Northern Illinois for some down time with our family and friends (until July 10th).  I can only hope winter is over by then!

Then, Cape Haterras here we come!!!! (July 15 to December 15)

And a bonus surprise, our assignment after that has been locked in:
January 2 thru April 30, 2015

Waccammaw National Wildlife Refuge
Coastal South Carolina

Thanks for visiting!
(coming soon: weekly updates)