I finally gave up and accessed this BLOG via Safari. Even while I burn with frustration we are holed up in
New Lisbon, WI (Don and Lisa's House where these lovely hosts have very graciously extended a standing, open ended invitation for us to park our RV ).

Where Don has relocated most of Bill's old wood shop, set it up in much the same layout as Bill had it in his shop in Lake Zurich, and Bill steps
right back into this shop without missing a beat.
A storage space customized Montana will make 5th wheel living bearable again. You see, the previous 2 RV's we owned had been customized by Bill upon their purchase, and all of the spaces were very useful for us. The new Montana was purchased in Mrytle Beach in April, and we have been busy ever since, with no time to get ourselves out of "moving day" mode.....you know, where you throw all your stuff into the big holes they call "closets" in an RV and you can't find anything?
THAT is being resolved as we speak. Bill has 4 more days to complete all of the customization. He will save the finish work (staining etc) for Joshua Tree where we can take advantage of the 3% humidity.
THAT is being resolved as we speak. Bill has 4 more days to complete all of the customization. He will save the finish work (staining etc) for Joshua Tree where we can take advantage of the 3% humidity.
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The bathroom cabinet was a big blackhole. While in the middle of the construction l have not yet been able to get it all neatly arranged, but you can see the potential. The Piece De Resistance': the ONE thing the new RV did not come with, that we(I) really wanted: ![]() End of the kitchen island (dead space)... ![]() becomes a drop down desk with built in printer...(to be stained and finished later). After the new structures are complete, I will put everything in its place and carry on A LOT more organized:-) Over the last week and a half since leaving Door County, it has not been all work and no play. Don and Lisa are amazing hosts and we get few chances to repay them. We have a great time together! ![]() |

Don does the driving....Lisa,

Bill and I have the tough job of waiting 20 minutes to get across the lake...but the destination "Carlson's Rustic Lodge" is worth the trip!

And we tie off as the sun prepares it's final descent.
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The guys head in for a GREAT meal:![]() ![]() |

We prepare to move on down the road, heading west, where a stop near Denver will allow us to greet the newly engaged couple for a few days before we return to Golden for their paper-wedding on October 10th. We are VERY excited for James Connelly (Jan's son) and his paramour Sarah Brinkman on their July 26th engagement and upcoming wedding as they begin their lives together.
Bill and I are supporting this FB event: Please join us!
"A Blue Baloon" No purchase necessary! This event is everywhere! If you support our Men and Women in blue then you have no reason not to join!!! I want to thank everyone that has joined and shared this event. It has grown to something i never expected! September 30th every single person who knows/ supports / loves an officer step outside at 1pm EST noon central!!! and DISPLAY a blue Balloon let's show our officers that our love and respect for them can win this war on our hero's share this and Tag everyone you know!!!! Radio stations and news reports pick this story up and help us support our heroes here on our homeland!!
*****We have received some concerns about the dangers of balloons and although I will not be changing the title I do encourage everyone to express their support in what ever way they feel is best ! Thank your for your help in showing our officers we appreciate them! Men. Women. K -9. I @[null:@[null:#ABlueBalloon]]Please direct all media inquiries to Katherine Marshall @
If any would like more information about the event I will check that email as often as possible!!!
For Jan and Bill it will be a line of BLUE painters tape
across our back truck and RV windows (please do not release balloons into our atmosphere...our sea turtles etc will thank you).
In closing: first my apologies for the hurried, slapdash content of this post. At least it was timely this month:-)
Second: and we're off.......This morning (Saturday, September 12th) we depart for northern IL (Fish Lake RV Park in Volo) for 2 days of getting "one last hug" before heading west. Then on Monday (Sept. 14th) at sunrise, our headlights will be pointed toward the sunset, as we make way for Golden, CO . Planning to arrive (at Clear Creek Campground)
near James' and Sarah's on Weds (Sept.15th) in the evening, for 1+ days of hugs. Leaving CO on Thursday (Sept. 17th) we will angle south, aiming for Dick and Debbie's house
in Salome, AZ. With a scheduled arrival of Friday (Sept. 18th). A few days of R and R will follow while Bill visits with this childhood buddy (with Dick being a recent 'double lung transplant' recipient, we intend to cherish every moment with him. On Tuesday (September 22nd) we will (not reluctantly) head back to work. Since it is just a short hop, we will arrive at Joshua Tree National Park (S. CA)
mid-afternoon and meet up with our friend Cynthia LaSala, who so kindly responded to my 2014 Thanksgiving Day request for another J. Tree assignment.
As some family and friends have moved to the LA basin since our last time at J. Tree we are looking forward to some LOOOONGGGG awaited hugZ!
Vaya Con Dios!!!
2012 at Dick and Debbie's |
taken during our first assignment at J.Tree in also 2012 |
As some family and friends have moved to the LA basin since our last time at J. Tree we are looking forward to some LOOOONGGGG awaited hugZ!
Vaya Con Dios!!!