Now two months in to our new volunteer assignment at the LBJ National Historical Park as Interpretive Guides at the "boyhood home"
and we are loving it! All except the hours. Working Sunday thru Wednesday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm with a 20 minute lunch break is WAAAAYYYY too much like real work. We get home most evenings and CRASH, spend our weekends relaxing.
Now I'm not complaining mind has been a great to learn the job of "Interpreter" (which we find we really like). The volunteer Coordinators here have provided us with great training, (both in the classroom and on the job). If our work week was 3 days on, 4 days off, this would be the perfect place.
As on most jobs we are meeting a lot of great people and slowly getting to explore the area. There is a HUGE advantage to being 1 hour north of San Antonio where Bill's little sister, Jane, lives. Jane and her husband Tim know the area well and have been able to make some fabulous recommendations to us for stuff we can do with them, or not..... but all fun! It seems like we never have enough time to spend with them over the years.....For a few months anyway, we'll be able to get our Tim and Jane fix:-)
For the last 2 weeks we have been training for the "Texas White House" venue. The LBJ National Historical Park consists of two venues, 13 miles apart. You have seen the Boyhood take a look at LBJ's adult home, The "Texas White House".
We have been preparing to take tours thru this much larger home, and have learned a great deal more about the man in the process: fascinating!
During our short breaks between tours we hang out in the "poolhouse".....too bad it has been drained.
It is positioned by the outdoor pool, and on a nice day, the outdoor pool is a wonderful place to sit and relax. The breaks are short (10-20 minutes) now....but when the busy season starts in March, even those short breaks will vaporize and we will jump from tour to tour.
These busy weeks have been made easier to take, due to fun times with family and friends....times that would not have been possible without us having hit the road....chances to give and receive:
Surprise visit from Tim and Jane (Bill's sister) |
Molly is hanging in there, happy with her pain medication. Still, we know she is in her last weeks:-( |
Jane and I at the rodeo/concert |
Tim and Bill at the rodeo/concert |
Mutton Busting: The BEST part of the rodeo! Hysterical! |
After the bout a little Tim McGraw:-) |
And a little "Mi Tierra" Yum (picture taken BEFORE the security guard respectfully separated Bill from his gun...story available on request:-)
And Lynne/Brad arrive!!!!!!!
What fun day out would be complete without a trip to the winery?
Or the Riverwalk...
a boat ride followed by dinner  on the water.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch........this guy was dead asleep....didn't even wake up when we started talking...sleeping on the tip of his could that possibly be comfortable?
well, Hello 
At Sauer-Beckmann Farm by the LBJ STATE Park (may do this next year)
 Meadowlark at The Ranch
Prairie Hawk
 Calf about a day old....this is how it feels when I am getting up from the floor :-)
Picnic lunch.....
 This guy was scooping leaves under his tummy?????
I know these 3 are out of focus,
 but I kept them for the joy
they  Show!
 Praying Meadowlark
Drinking from our neighbors hose
2 days old
Taking a walk with Mom
 This guy is our neighbor.
Interesting that the deer around here are so much smaller than ours at home. And some of the adults are spotted like our fawns would be.
Every Saturday night is Potluck fun with our fellow volunteers
Bill, Ron, Louise
some of whom have become,
Larry and Mary
Marilyn and Jim
or will become
Lifelong friends.
Hank and Larry
And lest I forget...this Sunday is Oscar night! Bill and I have been on Oscar Quest (the time of year following Oscar nominations during which we go see all the movies nominated in these categories: Best Movie, Best Actor/Actress, Best Supporting Actor/Actress) for weeks. We still have to see Dallas and Gravity, but we can tell you some of what I think so far:
Best Movie- 12 Years A Slave (have not seen Gravity)
(Wolf of Wall Street is just pornography...but DiCaprio did a GREAT job)
( and WHAT is Her doing in this category?)
(Loved American Hustle and Nebraska)
Best Actress: Meryl Streep
Best Supporting Actor: Bradley Cooper
Best Supporting Actress: June Squibb
Will let you know if this changes after Friday, when we go see the last 2. I will also list Bill's pics soon.
Well, time to prepare for work tommorrow...they're forcing us to go to the LBJ Library and Lady Bird Wildflower Center:-)
Why we're here:
 Love to all...Vaya Con Dios!
Thanks so much for sharing! It's so good to hear about your adventures (and that you think 12 years a slave is Best Picture because it was such an excellent movie and the only BP nominee I've seen, so far!) Good to know how hard you're working as well as all the visiting you're able to do! Enjoy!